Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Le sigh. Haha

My life right now, is taking a u-turn and got lost again...

Yes, this might be a depressing little number, but I need someway to release some feelings.

I've gotten a new job. I enjoy it plenty. It is very calm, easy and small (which I've never worked for a small office, busy always!). I kinda wanted a different environment when it came to working in my field and this office is just it! Everyone is so kind and welcoming and the patients are just the same. But my only thing is that I've been stressed out lately... About a week ago, I almost felt something drift, something changed in the work environment. I'm only human, I made a few minor mistakes on my two weeks on the job but I've learned from those mistakes and ready to move forward... I'm sure I'll get over this feeling... Hopefully!

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  1. Everything will work out and get better. :) Go out and enjoy yourself, stress is no bueno!
